In this article
The Cycling '74 Forum is where Max/RNBO experts and newbies alike hang out to help each other. You will need to be signed into our website with a Cycling '74 user account in order to create new forum topics, or comment on an existing topic. For more information on Cycling '74 user accounts, see this article.
If you are experiencing authorization issues, if Max is crashing, or if you think you have found a bug with the software, please contact our support department directly.
For patching tips, or assistance with building custom patches, please refer to our forums, as our support department does not have the capacity to assist with building patches. The best way to get help on our forums is to be as detailed as possible. Here are a few tips to ensure you have a great experience:
- Before you post your patch, try to edit it so that it only includes the problem area.
- Place comments in your patch to illustrate what should happen and what does happen.
- If your patch contains abstractions, audio files, or other custom components, please include these materials.
- Include instructions on how to operate your patch to get the errant behavior.
- Use the Copy Compressed feature (Edit > Copy Compressed) to copy your patch into your forum post.
- If you have trouble posting a new topic with a copy-compressed patch in it, an alternative method is attaching a zip file of your patch to your topic.
- If you have trouble with either posting or attaching a file to a post, please send us details.
- Include your support information. To share your support information, navigate to the About Max window (in the Max menu on macOS, and the Help menu on Windows), and click the text "Copy support information to clipboard." Then, paste the information that has been copied in your forum post.
For more details about participating on our forums, please see our Forum Guidelines.