In this article
In this article, we'll cover some of the questions users have when they're curious about Max for Live.
Max for Live adds the ability for the Max application to be used as an editor for building Live devices. To work on Live devices, you start by editing an existing device or template from inside Live.
If you already have Max and Ableton Live, you may want to also check out this article: I have Max and Ableton Live installed, so do I have/need Max for Live?
How do I get Max for Live?
Max for Live comes bundled with Ableton Live Suite, but it can also be purchased as an add-on for Live Standard. Live Lite and Live Intro are unable to utilize the Max for Live add-on.
The Max for Live add-on can be purchased exclusively at Ableton's online shop.
If I own Max for Live, does that mean I also own Max?
No. The version of Max that's bundled in Live is a different product than the standalone Max application. It has a few limitations that Max standalone doesn't, including creating multichannel devices, and editing Gen patchers. (click here for a detailed breakdown).
What is the difference between Max and Max for Live?
Max and Max for Live are two separate products. The version of Max that comes bundled with Live is optimized for use with Max for Live, but it is not the full Max 8 application, and is not intended to be used outside of the context of Live.
The below chart provides a quick comparison of the features included in Max versus Max for Live. If you are interested in learning more about what the standalone version of Max has to offer, please check out our product page. Owners of Max for Live qualify for the Ableton customer discount on a full version of Max.
I own Max for Live, but Max says I'm not authorized
Within the Max application, if you go to Help > User Account and Licenses and see that you are not authorized, this is probably because you are using the standalone Max application, rather than Max for Live. Max for Live and Max are two separate products and require separate authorization. In order to switch back to Max for Live, follow these steps:
- Quit both Max and Live.
- Open Live.
- Add a Max for Live device to your Live set.
- Click the edit button on the device to open the Max environment.
- Go to Help > User Account and Licenses. You should see that you are authorized via Live.
If I own Live Suite and I want to use the latest version of Max, what should I do?
As of Live 10.0.6, Max for Live is bundled with your Live installation. Once you’ve installed Live, Max for Live is ready to use. However, since the bundled version is usually a little older than the current release, you may choose to use an external Max installation instead of the bundled version.
- Download and install the latest version of Max.
- Open Live and navigate to Live > Settings > File & Folder > Max Application.
- Click “Browse”, locate the standalone version of Max, and click “Open”.
- Restart Live for the change to take effect.
Features and improvements in the current standalone Max application will be integrated into a future Live release, but this can take some time. Please get the latest information about Max in Live from Ableton's Knowledge Base.
If you are a Max for Live or Live Suite owner and are curious about the standalone Max application, learn about the benefits of purchasing Max with the Ableton Customer discount.
Which versions of Max are compatible with Max for Live?
Please see the Recommended Max Versions article on Ableton's website.
Will Gen run in Max for Live?
Gen runs within Max for Live without a full Max license. However, to edit Gen patchers, you will need to purchase a standalone Max license. Learn more about the Ableton Customer discount for the standalone Max application.
For features new to Max (such as Gen event domain or Multi-Channel mc.gen~ patchers), you will need to purchase Max 8. For legacy features like gen~ patchers, full Max 7 authorizations will be honored.
How do I find my Live or Max for Live serial number?
When you visit your Ableton account on, click the "View serial numbers" link under the list of products you own. The serial numbers will then be displayed.
Can I get a boxed version of Max for Live?
Max for Live is only available as a download.